What a blessing she must have been to them, because I haven't seen her in quite some time, yet her infectious laugh is fresh on my ears and her smile precious to my heart... and she was THEIRS. Mark's wife. Their mom. Oh, what a sweet couple. We have been blessed to know them for 10 years now.
I remember that first day she and I talked about finding the cancer. It was just like yesterday. I have now lost 2 friends my age to cancer. And, neither was breast cancer. The first died 2 days before my wedding. And, now Julie.
Can I leave you with these random thoughts today? My heart is sad and rejoicing all at the same time.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. The LORD your GOD will go with you. He will NOT leave you or forget you!" Deuteronomy 31:6
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints...you have freed me from my chains." Ps. 116:15
p.s. This is a CASEd card (I completely forgot to put this earlier, so sorry! I case'd this from PTI's main blog Nichole herself! Instead of using their dark blue, I used scarlet jewel and pinks/reds.)